[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a rectangle filled with random size circular pattern

random numberstikz-pgf

I wish to generate a rectangle with circular features present within (to represent water particles), something like this:

enter image description here

Which shows that the incoming radiation decreases with distance (as expressed by the shading of the arrow). This rather simplistic example was generated in power point, how would I draw this with tikz.

I can obviously draw a normal rectangle and arrow with:

\draw (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
\draw[>=stealth, <-] (1,0) -- (1,1);

but how do I fill the rectangle with circles as shown and how do I apply a shading to the arrow?

Best Answer

The answer Torbjørn points in the comments is related, but the circles there have always the same radius.

Another approach:




\tikzfading[name=arrowfading, top color=transparent!0, bottom color=transparent!95]
\tikzset{arrowfill/.style={#1,general shadow={fill=black, shadow yshift=-0.8ex, path fading=arrowfading}}}
\tikzset{arrowstyle/.style n args={3}{draw=#2,arrowfill={#3}, single arrow,minimum height=#1, single arrow,
single arrow head extend=.3cm,}}

\NewDocumentCommand{\tikzfancyarrow}{O{2cm} O{FireBrick} O{top color=OrangeRed!20, bottom color=Red} m}{
\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\node [arrowstyle={#1}{#2}{#3}] {#4};

% Parameters



\path (0,0) rectangle (\width,\height);

\foreach \point in {1,...,\numpoints}{

  \node[circle,inner sep=\pointwidth pt,fill=blue!30] (point-\point) at (\xpos,\ypos) {};

\node [arrowstyle={\height cm}{black}{top color=orange,bottom color=yellow,shape border rotate=270}] at (\width/2,\height/2) {};



enter image description here

This uses Fancy arrows with TikZ to create the gradient and the various parameters could be set in the preamble.

This could be probably an overkilling solution, but allows to achieve an higher customization:



     height rect/.initial=5,
     height rect/.get=\height,
     height rect/.store in=\height,
     width rect/.initial=10,
     width rect/.get=\width,
     width rect/.store in=\width,
     num points/.initial=500,
     num points/.get=\numpoints,
     num points/.store in=\numpoints,
     point width/.initial=1.5pt,
     point width/.get=\maxpointwidth,
     point width/.store in=\maxpointwidth,
     point style type/.is choice,
     point style type/fill/.style={fill=\pointcolor},
     point style type/radial shade/.style={inner color=\pointinnercolor,outer color=\pointoutercolor},
     point style type/vertical shade/.style={top color=\pointtopcolor,bottom color=\pointbottomcolor},
     point style type/horizontal shade/.style={left color=\pointleftcolor,right color=\pointrightcolor},
     point style/.initial={/tikz/point style type/fill},
     point style/.get=\pointstyle,
     point style/.store in=\pointstyle,
     point fill color/.initial=blue!30,
     point fill color/.get=\pointcolor,
     point fill color/.store in=\pointcolor,
     point inner color/.initial=white,
     point inner color/.get=\pointinnercolor,
     point inner color/.store in=\pointinnercolor,
     point outer color/.initial=blue!30,
     point outer color/.get=\pointoutercolor,
     point outer color/.store in=\pointoutercolor,
     point top color/.initial=white,
     point top color/.get=\pointtopcolor,
     point top color/.store in=\pointtopcolor,
     point bottom color/.initial=blue!30,
     point bottom color/.get=\pointbottomcolor,
     point bottom color/.store in=\pointbottomcolor,
     point left color/.initial=blue!30,
     point left color/.get=\pointleftcolor,
     point left color/.store in=\pointleftcolor,
     point right color/.initial=white,
     point right color/.get=\pointrightcolor,
     point right color/.store in=\pointrightcolor,
     arrow top color/.initial=orange,
     arrow top color/.get=\arrowtopcolor,
     arrow top color/.store in=\arrowtopcolor,
     arrow bottom color/.initial=yellow,
     arrow bottom color/.get=\arrowbottomcolor,
     arrow bottom color/.store in=\arrowbottomcolor,
     arrow border color/.initial=black,
     arrow border color/.get=\arrowbordercolor,
     arrow border color/.store in=\arrowbordercolor,

\tikzfading[name=arrowfading, top color=transparent!0, bottom color=transparent!95]
\tikzset{arrowfill/.style={#1,general shadow={fill=black, shadow yshift=-0.8ex, path fading=arrowfading}}}
\tikzset{arrowstyle/.style n args={3}{draw=#2,arrowfill={#3}, single arrow,minimum height=#1, single arrow,
single arrow head extend=.15cm,}}

\pgfkeys{/tikz/random point diagram/.code={
   \path (0,0) rectangle (\width,\height);

   \foreach \point in {1,...,\numpoints}{

     \node[circle,inner sep=\pointwidth pt, \pointstyle] (point-\point) at (\xpos,\ypos) {};

   \node [arrowstyle={\height cm}{\arrowbordercolor}{top color=\arrowtopcolor, bottom color=\arrowbottomcolor,shape border rotate=270}, anchor=north] at (\width/2,\height) {};

% that's just an alias for \node


\drawdiagram[random point diagram] at (0,0) {};

\begin{tikzpicture}[height rect=4,width rect=8,
 num points=600,
 point style={/tikz/point style type/vertical shade}, 
 point top color=white,
 point bottom color=orange,
 arrow border color=violet,
 arrow top color=violet!50!magenta!80,
 arrow bottom color=magenta!20]
\drawdiagram[random point diagram] at (0,0) {};


The first example with the default values gives the previous picture, while the second customized example:

enter image description here