[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a proper decision tree


I need to draw a decision tree for my LaTeX document (with TikZ/forest or any other package). I searched around for a while to find something similar, but found none. The decision tree produced should be like the one shown in the figure bellow.

Any help/hint would be very much appreciated.

enter image description here

This is what I managed to do so far, of course the shape of the tree does not have to be exactly the same as the one in picture.


    decision/.style={diamond, minimum height=10pt, minimum width=10pt, inner sep=1pt},
    chance/.style={circle, minimum width=10pt, draw=blue, fill=none, thick, inner sep=0pt},
  label L/.style={
    edge label={node[midway,left,font=\scriptsize]{#1}}
  label R/.style={
    edge label={node[midway,right,font=\scriptsize]{#1}}
  for tree={
    child anchor=north,
    for descendants={
  [$x_2$, decision, draw
    [$x_1$, decision, draw, label L=N,
      [1, rectangle, draw, label L=N, tier=bottom]
      [0, rectangle, draw, label R=Y, tier=bottom]
    [$x_3$, decision, draw, label R=Y,
      [$x_1$, decision, draw, label L=N,
        [1, rectangle, draw, label L=N, tier=bottom]
        [0, rectangle, draw, label R=Y, tier=bottom]
      [0, rectangle, draw, label R=Y, tier=bottom]


Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Here's a solution with forest.


enter image description here



        for tree={
            child anchor=north,
            s sep+=1cm,
    straight edge/.style={
        edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge},thick,-{Latex}] 
        (!u.parent anchor) -- (.child anchor);}
    if n children={0}
        {tier=word, draw, thick, rectangle}
        {draw, diamond, thick, aspect=2},
    if n=1{%
        edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge},thick,-{Latex}] 
        (!u.parent anchor) -| (.child anchor) node[pos=.2, above] {Y};}
        edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge},thick,-{Latex}] 
        (!u.parent anchor) -| (.child anchor) node[pos=.2, above] {N};}

[$x_2$, tikz={\draw[{Latex}-, thick] (.north) --++ (0,1);}
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