[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a hierarchical structure with edges


I would like to show such a structure in my LaTeX document. How can this be done?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The dirtree package is built for producing diagrams like this. Below I give its default style and then show how to adjust the parameters to get something closer to your hand drawing.

Sample output




.1 HTML.
.2 Head.
.3 Title.
.3 Meta.
.2 Body.
.3 SVG.
.4 Image.


.1 HTML.
.2 Head.
.3 Title.
.3 Meta.
.2 Body.
.3 SVG.
.4 Image.


The parameter changes that are made in the second example are as follows:

  1. The style of the nodes is changed so that (a) we use a standard text font and (b) the node is shifted down relative to the horizontal lines

  2. The standard lengths of dirtree are adjusted, so that (a) the dots at the cross are the same wdith 0.4pt as the lines, this is the last two parameters and (b) the vertical lines are moved further under the nodes, the first parameter 1em. The second and third parameters have their standard value

  3. The internal baseline skip of dirtree is made larger, moving the lines apart and moving the tops of the vertial lines down, so they don't cover the shifted text.