[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a gradient box around sections


How would you implement a margin-to-margin gradient using TikZ that is slightly larger than the text and that cover the whole lines of section text?
The following code produced the results shown below



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fancy heading  \section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

     \tikz[overlay] \shade[left color=LightSkyBlue,right color=white,] (0,-1ex) rectangle (\textwidth,1em);}%    

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fancy heading  \chapter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

{\gdef\chapterlabel{\thechapter\ }}{0pt}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
    {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \draw[fill=LightSkyBlue] (0,0) rectangle
        rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,


\part{Developmental Disturbance of Oral and Paraoral tissues}

\chapter{Soso and Mimi}


\section{Developmental Disturbance of Oral and Paraoral tissues and Related Structures}



the resulting image

The desired output should be like this
enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's one option; the eventual number and the title are placed inside a node with the desired horizontal shading:



  \node[inner xsep=0pt,text width=\textwidth,
    align=left,left color=myblue,right color=myblue!10] 
    {\begin{varwidth}[t]{5em}\thesection\hfill\end{varwidth}\hspace{0.5em}\parbox[t]{\linegoal}{\raggedright #1}};
  \node[inner xsep=0pt,text width=\textwidth,
    align=left,left color=myblue,right color=myblue!10] 



\chapter{Test chapter}
\section{A test numbered section with a really long title spanning several lines just for the example}
\section*{A test unnumbered section with a really long title spanning several lines just for the example}


enter image description here