[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a five pointed star


I want to draw a five-pointed star, as in the following figure.

enter image description here

I used the following commands:





\draw[ultra thick,shift={(0,0)},rotate=18] (3.86,11.90)--(-10.12,-7.35);

\draw [ultra thick,shift={(0,0)},rotate=18] (3.86,11.90)--(3.86,-11.90);

\draw [ultra thick,shift={(0,0)},rotate=18] (-10.12,7.35)--(3.86,-11.90);

\draw [ultra thick,shift={(0,0)},rotate=18] (-10.12,7.35)--(12.51,0);

\draw [ultra thick,shift={(0,0)},rotate=18]  (-10.12,-7.35)--(12.51,0);



enter image description here

How to complete the figure?

Best Answer

I don't know how to complete it, but it's very simple with pstricks without having to fight with vertices coordinates:

\documentclass[border=53pt, svgnames]{standalone}

\usepackage{pst-poly, pst-eucl}
\usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} %% to compile with pdflatex -shell-escape TeXLive, MacTeX)
                          %% or pdflatex --enable-write18 (MiKTeX)


\psset{unit=2cm, dimen=inner, linejoin=1}
\uput[r](A1){A} \uput[u](A2){B}
\uput[l](A3){C}\uput[dl](A4){D} \uput[dr](A5){E}
\pstInterLL[ PosAngle=180]{A2}{A4}{A3}{A5}{I}
\pspolygon[linestyle=none, fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=LimeGreen!60!YellowGreen!35!](A1)(A3)(I)(J)


enter image description here