[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a diver in TikZ


How to draw a diver being trained in a tall water tower in TikZ?

enter image description here

All what I have (been able to) do(ne):

\draw (0,4.5)--(0,0)--(2,0)--(2,4.5);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (2,4);
\foreach \i in {0.2,0.6,...,3.9}
    \draw[ultra thin,cyan,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt] (0,\i)--(2,\i);
\foreach \i in {0.4,0.8,...,3.9}
    \draw[ultra thin,cyan,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,dash phase=4pt] (0,\i)--(2,\i);
\draw (-1,0)--(3,0);
\fill[pattern=north east lines] (-1,0) rectangle (3,-.2);
% Do something with the diver at (1,1)
\draw[very thin] (1.5,3)--(2.5,3.1) node[right,align=left] {
    sea water\\
    (density 1020 \si{kg.m^{-3}}\\
    or 1.02 \si{g.cm^{-3}})
\draw[very thin] (1,1)--(2.5,1.2) node[right] {diver};

enter image description here

I can't draw the diver. I have seen many TikZ-drawn people on this site, but none of them is a diver.

Moreover, if I could draw the diver, I would also not able to clear the "water" blue dashes behind the diver.

Please help me. Thank you in advance.

I'm sorry but I can't provide the image in a better resolution and quality.

Best Answer

One can draw such things but as Uwe Ziegenhagen says it is a lot of efforts. (Doesn't take hours but certainly more than 10 minutes.) The main problem with such figures is that one is never really done, there is always something that you can tune more.


\draw (0,4.5)--(0,0)--(2,0)--(2,4.5);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (2,4);
\foreach \i in {0.2,0.6,...,3.9}
    {\draw[ultra thin,cyan,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt] (0,\i)--(2,\i);}
\foreach \i in {0.4,0.8,...,3.9}
    {\draw[ultra thin,cyan,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,dash phase=4pt]
\draw (-1,0)--(3,0);
\fill[pattern=north east lines] (-1,0) rectangle (3,-.2);
% Do something with the diver at (1,1)
\draw[very thin] (1.5,3)--(2.5,3.1) node[right,align=left,font=\footnotesize] {
    sea water\\
    (density 1020 \si{kg.m^{-3}}\\
    or 1.02 \si{g.cm^{-3}})
% \draw[red] (0,0) grid[step=0.1] (2,2);
% \draw[red,thick] (0,0) grid[step=1] (2,2);
 % back leg
 \filldraw (1.7,0.8) to[out=180,in=-30] (1.3,1)
 to[out=150,in=-20] (1,1.1) -- (1,1.15)  -- (1.1,1.15) 
 to[out=0,in=150] (1.3,1.1) to[out=-30,in=-150] 
 (1.4,1.05) to[out=30,in=130] (1.5,0.95) to[out=-40,in=150] cycle;
 % front leg
 \filldraw (1.6,1.3) to[out=175,in=20] (1.3,1.3) to[out=-160,in=30] (1.2,1.2)
 to[out=-150,in=0] (1,1.1) to[out=180,in=-20] (0.7,1.2)
 to (0.75,1.4) to[out=0,in=150] (1,1.2) to[out=30,in=-120] (1.3,1.4)
 to cycle;
 % belt
 \filldraw (0.7,1.2) to (0.75,1.4) to (0.71,1.42) to (0.66,1.22) to cycle;
 % belly
 \filldraw (0.66,1.22) to[out=180,in=-20] (0.5,1.23) to (0.71,1.42) to cycle;
 % torso
 \filldraw (0.71,1.42) to[out=-100,in=0] (0.55,1.2) to[out=180,in=-30]
 (0.35,1.3) to[out=150,in=-90,looseness=0.4] (0.3,1.4)
 arc(270:30:0.1 and 0.11) to[out=-60,in=180] cycle;
 % hand
 \draw[fill=black] (1.05,1.22) -- (0.95,1.2) arc(-90:90:0.02) -- 
 (1.05,1.24) arc(90:-90:0.01) --
 % arm
 \filldraw (0.95,1.2) to[out=170,in=0] (0.45,1.35) 
 to[out=180,in=170,looseness=1.2]  (0.45,1.45) 
 to[out=-10,in=160] (0.95,1.25) to[out=-20,in=-10,looseness=1.2] cycle;
 % oxygen
 \filldraw (0.8,1.4) to (0.5,1.45) to[out=160,in=160] (0.55,1.55)
 to (0.82,1.5) to cycle;
 % googles
 \draw[thick] (0.38,1.58) -- (0.2,1.5);
 \fill[black] (0.19,1.46) arc(-70:110:0.03) -- cycle;
 % tube
 \draw[double,line cap=round] (0.23,1.45) to[out=-90,in=-70,looseness=1.6] (0.3,1.45) -- 
\draw[very thin] (1.1,1.2)--(2.5,1.4) node[right] {diver};

enter image description here

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