[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a diamond with a cross in the center


I wish to draw the cross diamond, however the line of the cross is inside the diamond, like described in the picture.

enter image description here

However, I tried the code below, the result is

\node[draw, diamond, below=of aux] (cross diamond) {};
\draw (cross diamond.north) -- (cross diamond.south)
      (cross diamond.west) -- (cross diamond.east);

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use [shift=<length>] option (shown in red), or with tikz's calc library you can perform coordinate calculations (shown in blue). Also, if you desire rounded corners as per your original image you can add the rounded corners=<length> as I have done for the red version:

enter image description here


\node[draw, diamond, rounded corners=1.5pt] (cross diamond) {};
\draw  ([yshift=-\Shift]cross diamond.north)
    -- ([yshift=+\Shift]cross diamond.south)
       ([xshift=+\Shift]cross diamond.west) 
    -- ([xshift=-\Shift]cross diamond.east);
\node[draw, diamond] (cross diamond) {};
\draw  ($(cross diamond.north) - (0,\Shift)$)
    -- ($(cross diamond.south) + (0,\Shift)$)
       ($(cross diamond.west)  + (\Shift,0)$)
    -- ($(cross diamond.east)  - (\Shift,0)$);