[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a diagram like the one in this picture


Is such a diagram called classification diagram?
Is there any package in LaTeX which helps in drawing it directly like parent child diagrams?

enter image description here

Best Answer

  \tikzset{box/.style={draw, rectangle, thick, text centered, minimum height=3em}}
  \tikzset{line/.style={draw, thick, -latex'}}
        \node [box]                                    (inv)      {Inventory};
        \node [box, below=0.5cm of inv]                (deter)    {Deterioration};
        \node [box, right=0.5cm of deter]              (noobs)    {No Obsolescence/Deterioration};
        \node [box, left=0.5cm of deter]               (obs)      {Obsolescence};
        \node [box, below=1.5cm of deter, xshift=-2cm] (decay)    {Decaying products};
        \node [box, below=1.5cm of deter, xshift=2cm]  (per)      {Perishable Products};
        \node [box, below=1.5cm of per, xshift=2cm]    (fix)      {Fixed Lifetime};
        \node [box, below=1.5cm of per, xshift=-2cm]   (cont)     {Continuously Deteriorating};

        \path [line] (inv)   --    (deter);
        \path [line] (inv)   -|    (noobs);
        \path [line] (inv)   -|    (obs);
        \path [line] (deter) --    (per);
        \path [line] (deter) --    (decay);
        \path [line] (per)   --    (cont);
        \path [line] (per)   --    (fix);


enter image description here

  \tikzset{box/.style={draw, rectangle, thick, text centered, minimum height=3em}}
  \tikzset{line/.style={draw, thick, -latex'}}
        \node [box]                                     (inv)      {Inventory};
        \node [box, below=0.5cm of inv]                 (deter)    {Deterioration};
        \node [box, right=0.5cm of deter]               (noobs)    {No Obsolescence/Deterioration};
        \node [below=0.5cm of deter]                    (vuoto1)   {};
        \node [box, left=0.5cm of deter]                (obs)      {Obsolescence};
        \node [box, below=0.5cm of vuoto1, xshift=-2cm] (decay)    {Decaying products};
        \node [box, below=0.5cm of vuoto1, xshift=2cm]  (per)      {Perishable Products};
        \node [below=0.5cm of per]                      (vuoto2)   {};
        \node [box, below=0.5cm of vuoto2, xshift=2cm]  (fix)      {Fixed Lifetime};
        \node [box, below=0.5cm of vuoto2, xshift=-2cm] (cont)     {Continuously Deteriorating};

        \path [line] (inv)      --    (deter);
        \path [line] (inv)      -|    (noobs);
        \path [line] (inv)      -|    (obs);
        \path [line] (deter)    --    (vuoto1);
        \path [line] (vuoto1)   -|    (decay);
        \path [line] (vuoto1)   -|    (per);
        \path [line] (per)      --    (vuoto2);
        \path [line] (vuoto2)   -|    (cont);
        \path [line] (vuoto2)   -|    (fix);


enter image description here

Edit: Substituting

\node [below=0.5cm of deter]                    (vuoto1)   {};


\node [below=0.5cm of per]                      (vuoto2)   {};


\coordinate [below=0.5cm of deter]                    (vuoto1)   {};


\coordinate [below=0.5cm of per]                      (vuoto2)   {};


enter image description here

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