[Tex/LaTex] How to draw a 2D vector field in pgfplots


I'm pretty new to LaTeX and I need to draw a 2D vector field (Like a graph with vector arrows all over it. I can't find it anywhere online. I'd like to use pgfplots if that's possible.

Best Answer

If you're not stuck to pgfplots, pst-plot has a \psVectorfield command which makes it very easy (adapted from an example in the pst-plot documentation):

\documentclass[x11names, border=5pt]{standalone}


%%%%%%%%%%% v(x, y) = =x² + y² - 1
\psset{unit=4cm, arrowinset=0.12}
    \psaxes[ticksize=0 4pt,axesstyle=frame,tickstyle=inner,subticks=20,
    \psVectorfield[linecolor=DarkOliveGreen3](-0.9,-0.9)(0.9,0.9){ x²+y²-1 }


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