Tables – How to Create a Table with Top Corner Removed


I want to do a table with some columns (9) but I want the first 2 columns on the first row to be empty. I can't seem to be able to close the top of my table the way I do it.

\multicolumn{2}{c||}{}&\multicolumn{3}{c||}{Dimensions finies}&\multicolumn{3}{|c||}{   Dimensions brutes}\\
Identification & Qté & Long.&Larg.& Épais.& Long.& Larg.& Épais. &PMP\\
Dessus & $1$ & $46$ & $28$ & $6/4$& & & & \\
Pattes & $4$ & $37\sfrac{1}{2}$ & $3$ & $2$& & & & \\

Best Answer

You can use \cline{i-j} to draw a line from column i to column j; however, I would like to suggest you the booktabs package to design your tables; your table with and without booktabs:



\multicolumn{2}{c}{}&\multicolumn{3}{||c||}{Dimensions finies}&\multicolumn{3}{|c||}{   Dimensions brutes}\\
Identification & Qté & Long.&Larg.& Épais.& Long.& Larg.& Épais. &PMP\\
Dessus & $1$ & $46$ & $28$ & $6/4$& & & & \\
Pattes & $4$ & $37\frac{1}{2}$ & $3$ & $2$& & & & \\


& &\multicolumn{3}{c}{Dimensions finies}&\multicolumn{3}{c}{Dimensions brutes}\\
Identification & Qté & Long.&Larg.& Épais.& Long.& Larg.& Épais. &PMP\\
Dessus & $1$ & $46$ & $28$ & $6/4$& & & & \\
Pattes & $4$ & $37\frac{1}{2}$ & $3$ & $2$& & & & \\


enter image description here

As you can see, there's really no need for the vertical rules and the table now looks much better than before.