[Tex/LaTex] How to display section number in the section’s title


Is there an easy way to display a section's number in its title? I am currently using the article document class.

Here is my minimal working example:



    Introduction text here...

\section{Item 1: What is Quantitative Finance?}
Indeed, before actually studying a topic, we should start by having a good definition of what we are studying. So what is quantitative finance?

\section{Item 2: Geometric Brownian Motion}


By default the section numbers appear in front of the section's title. Instead I would like to have the section number appear inside the document's title after the word "Item" and be incremented automatically (so that I don't need to keep a manual count of the Item numbers).

Best Answer

You mean something like this? Using titlesec will make automatically every section use the "Item xx" value.

\titleformat{\section}[hang]{\bfseries}{Item \thesection:\ }{0pt}{}



    Introduction text here...

\section{What is Quantitative Finance?}
Indeed, before actually studying a topic, we should start by having a good definition of what we are studying. So what is quantitative finance?

\section{Geometric Brownian Motion}


enter image description here

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