[Tex/LaTex] How to display caption at the bottom of a figure and left side of a text


I have a problem of placing caption at the bottom of figure and same time left side of main text. Please see attached image file.
I use code:




\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{myformat}{\rule{1.6cm}{1pt}\\ #1 \textbf{#2}}

    layoutvoffset= 32mm,layouthoffset= 11mm,
%   showcrop=true





\section{Caption location}

{\caption{Caption beside left, bottom of Small-Figure }\label{fig:01_400}}


    \caption{Caption left, bottom of Wide-Figure}


Main text move up

Best Answer

You can achieve that layout with floatrow. The code below is mostly taken from frsample05.tex distributed with floatrow. The idea is to use figure* environment in a one-column layout and customizing widefigure. The important part is in \DeclareCaptionFormat{marginpars}, where the caption is set.





  style        = Boxed                        ,
  heightadjust = all                          ,
  frameset     = {\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt} ,
  captionskip  = 7pt ,

  margins           = hangoutside     ,
  capbesideposition = bottom          ,
  capbesidewidth    = \marginparwidth ,
  facing            = yes             ,
  floatwidth        = \textwidth


  \vbox to 0pt{%
      \addtolength\leftskip{\dimexpr \textwidth+\marginparsep\relax}%
      \addtolength\rightskip{\dimexpr \textwidth+\marginparsep\relax}%

\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{myformat}{\rule{1.6cm}{1pt}\\ #1 #2}

  font            = small  ,
  labelfont       = bf     ,
  font            = sf     ,
  labelsep        = period ,
  singlelinecheck = no}

  format      = marginpars ,
  labelformat = myformat

\def\text{{\mdseries And more text and some more text and a bit more
    text and a little more text and a little peace of text to fill



\chapter{Some Chapter}

\section{Some Section}


    {\caption{\texttt{widefigure} with \texttt{[b]} placement
      option.: \text }}


    {\caption{\texttt{widefigure} with \texttt{[t]} placement
      option. \text}}


    {\caption{\texttt{widefigure} with \texttt{[b]} placement
        option. \text}}



enter image description here