Biblatex – How to Disable ‘Visited On’ in References


I'm writing a small article using luatex and Texstudio and biber:

\usepackage[maxbibnames=3,style=chicago-authordate,backend=biber, url=false,doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex} 
First cite \parencite{Nichols2013}.

Please copy the following code to a biblio.bib file.

  author       = {Nichols, Melanie and Townsend, Nick and Scarborough, Peter and Rayner, Mike},
  title        = {Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mortality in the European Union over three decades: 1980–2009},
  journaltitle = {European Heart Journal},
  date         = {2013-10-14},
  volume       = {34},
  number       = {39},
  pages        = {3017--3027},
  issn         = {0195-668X},
  doi          = {10.1093/eurheartj/eht159},
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2017-11-07},
  abstract     = {{AimsRecent} decades have seen very large declines in coronary heart disease ({CHD}) mortality across most of Europe, partly due to declines in risk factors such as smoking. },
  file         = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\joe\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\ddxqcxys.default\\zotero\\storage\\TTNHMGPB\\Nichols et al. - 2013 - Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mort.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\joe\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\ddxqcxys.default\\zotero\\storage\\J4H4FEN4\\506081.html:text/html},
  shortjournal = {Eur Heart J},
  shorttitle   = {Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mortality in the European Union over three decades},

When I compile the document I get this message "Visited on 11/07/2017 appears on the references even if I try to remove it.

enter image description here

There is a solution here
Do not show the "(visited on <date>)" on the references


But it doesn't work with my references and options.

There is a more complex solution:

Repeated Access Statement "Visited on" in biblatex-chicago


But it doesn't work either.

Strangely if I crate a simple reproducible example as :

\usepackage[style=ieee,backend=biber, url=false, doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex}

    author       = {Nichols, Melanie and Townsend, Nick and Scarborough, Peter and Rayner, Mike},
    title        = {Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mortality in the European Union over three decades: 1980–2009},
    journaltitle = {European Heart Journal},
    date         = {2013-10-14},
    volume       = {34},
    number       = {39},
    pages        = {3017--3027},
    issn         = {0195-668X},
    doi          = {10.1093/eurheartj/eht159},
    url          = {},
    urldate      = {2017-11-07},
    abstract     = {{AimsRecent} decades have seen very .},
    file         = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\joe\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\ddxqcxys.default\\zotero\\storage\\TTNHMGPB\\Nichols et al. - 2013 - Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mort.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\joe\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\ddxqcxys.default\\zotero\\storage\\J4H4FEN4\\506081.html:text/html},
    shortjournal = {Eur Heart J},
    shorttitle   = {Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mortality in the European Union over three decades},


    Test \parencite{Nichols2013}.

I don't get the same problem. I just copied the content of that book there.

How can I solve this problem?
My real bibliography is much larger and I get many of these visited on …. messages and more information I don't want.

Best Answer

The chicago-authordate style prints the "vistited on..." block whenever urlyear and urlmonth are not undefined. So you can prevent it by clearing both these fields.

\usepackage[maxbibnames=2,style=chicago-authordate,backend=biber, url=false, doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex}



title = {A Novel On-Chip Active Dispersive Delay Line ({DDL}) for Analog Signal Processing},
volume = {20},
issn = {1531-1309, 1558-1764},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/LMWC.2010.2064761},
abstract = {In this letter, we report the first on-chip design of an active dispersive delay line ({DDL}) based upon the distributed amplification structure. This distributed amplifier {DDL} exhibits nanosecond delay variation in the frequency band from 11 to 15 {GHz}. An on-chip temporal imager is implemented with this active {DDL} and a linear chirp generator, realized by ramping the control voltage of a voltage controlled oscillator. The experimental data exhibits pulse stretching as well as pulse compression with this system.},
pages = {584--586},
number = {10},
journaltitle = {{IEEE} Microwave and Wireless Components Letters},
author = {Xiang, Bo and Kopa, Anthony and Apsel, Alyssa B.},
urldate = {2016-10-19},
date = {2010-10},
langid = {english},
file = {[3]A Novel On-Chip Active Dispersive Delay.pdf:/home/defrancaferr_joa/Documents/rtacft/documents/zotero/storage/IDFNSDX4/[3]A Novel On-Chip Active Dispersive Delay.pdf:application/pdf}


Test \cite{xiang_novel_2010}.
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