[Tex/LaTex] How to define more color commands properly for \pslegend in pst-plot


I am plotting a multi-curve graph by using pst-plot, and naturally need different color to label each curve in legend, by using \pslegend command. However, I find I can only use a number of pre-defined color commands

\red \blue \black \green \cyan \yellow \gray % ...may be more

When I looked into the pstricks package documentation and tried to define my own color command

\newrgbcolor{myorg}{255 165 0} % trying to define a orange color command

however, it does not work, here is an MWE (compile by using xelatex, Windows 64-bit, TeX Live 2015)

% !TEX program = xelatex
\documentclass[border = 1.2cm]{standalone}

\newrgbcolor{myorg}{255 165 0}


\pslegend[rt]{ \myorg\rule[1ex]{2em}{1pt} & Line 1) }


enter image description here
The color is exactly like using \yellow.

How can I define a color command properly (for the use of \pslegend in pst-plot), and where am I able to look up all the pre-defined color commands in pstricks (can't find a list of color commands in both pstricks and pst-plot package documents)?

Best Answer

pstricks loads the xcolor package. If you want a broader choice, pass the option, say, x11names to xcolor (via \documentclass). This option gives access to nearly 320 predefined colours. See § 4, Colors by Names, pp38–40 of the documentation. You also can use the option svgnames which more or less the same as HTML colour names.


\documentclass[x11names, border = 1.2cm]{standalone}



\pslegend[rt]{ \color{SeaGreen3}\rule[0.5ex]{2em}{1pt} & Line 1) }


enter image description here