[Tex/LaTex] How to define environments for questions and answers


I wish to do a simple question and answer sheet for my students. I'd like to have something like this:

\section{Differential Equations}


              ... Question here ...

              ... Answer here ...


I wish to have the environment QUESTIONS to have counters like enumerate. That is, each \begin{question} ... \end{question} should behave just like \item in


The \begin{question} ... \end{question} environment should take "normal" LaTeX commands.

If possible, I'd wish to have deferred printing to print the answers at the end of the document.

I first tried this

\def\thequestion{{\bfseries{Question \arabic{question}. }}\\}

\def\initbox{\answerscollect={\par\noindent Answers:\par}}


but it's not behaving the way I'd love the results to be …

Best Answer

Simple use of exam package :


\section{Differential Equations}
\question ... Short question here ... \answerline[Short answer]
\question ... Question here ... 

... Answer here ... 

\question Long descriptive question about everything

Long descriptive answer is a long descriptive answer that is a long descriptive answer that is along descriptive answer that is along descriptive answer that is along descriptive answer that is a lie.

\question Draw an arrow showing north direction.



Stuff to appear only when answers \textbf{are} being printed.
Stuff to appear only when answers \textbf{are not} being printed.


Commenting and uncommenting \printanswers yields in one of two following:


Only questions


Questions with answers

I don't see any lack of functionality compared to your example.

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