LaTeX – How to Define a Parshape Command


I want to typeset a book with some \parshape command, for example:


0.2\textwidth 0.8\textwidth
0.2\textwidth 0.8\textwidth
0.2\textwidth 0.8\textwidth
0pt \textwidth

But since the lines and width may changes frequently, so I want to define a command like this

#2\textwidth #3\textwidth 
0pt \textwidth

So I can call it like




But this does not work, I'm not an expert of TeX primitives, can somebody help?

Best Answer

As Harald says, the key here is that you need everything expanded. You can do that in a temporary variable, as he shows. Alternatively, you can use something like an expandable 'repeat n times' approach. Here, I'm assuming e-TeX is available

  \expandafter\replicate@aux\romannumeral\number\numexpr #1\relax000Q{}
\newcommand*\replicate@aux[1]{\csname replicate@aux@#1\endcsname}
    \parshape = #1
      \replicate{#1 -1}{#2\textwidth #3\textwidth}%
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