[Tex/LaTex] How to define a new \item command to produce a different color


I am trying to define an alternative \item command that would allow me to use a different color for some of the items. My code has the following form:


\newcommand{\grayitem}[1]{{\color{gray} \item #1}}


\item First item.
\grayitem Second item.
\item Third item.


I was hoping that

\grayitem Second item.

would produce the same result as

{\color{gray} \item Second item.}

but for some reason, these are not equivalent. They produce the following results, respectively:

       enter image description here            enter image description here

Why are these two lines of code not equivalent? What am I doing wrong and how can I change the definition of \grayitem to produce the second result?

I have also tried removing a pair of braces, like this

\newcommand{\grayitem}[1]{\color{gray} \item #1}

but then the third item becomes gray as well.

The solution should also work for multi-paragraph items.

Best Answer

A bit hacky, but without braces:





\item First item.
\grayitem Second item.
\item Third item.


enter image description here

To make subliste adhere to the gray colour one could do something like the following, however if you want to use gray items inside a second level list, changing back to black won't work





    \item First item.
    \grayitem Second item.
            \item bla
            \item bla
    \item Third item.
            \item bla
            \grayitem bla
            \item bla


enter image description here