[Tex/LaTex] How to define a custom class of keywords in listings


How can I define a custom class of keywords in listings?

In the C# listing below, keywords, such as using, namespace, etc., get highlighted as desired. However, I would like to define a custom class of keywords called "attributes", that would allow me to declare Test, Assert, etc. as attributes and highlight them in a custom style (e.g. cyan color). How can I do that?

enter image description here

\usepackage[driver=pdftex, margin=2.54cm]{geometry}


morekeywords={  abstract, event, new, struct,
                as, explicit, null, switch,
                base, extern, object, this,
                bool, false, operator, throw,
                break, finally, out, true,
                byte, fixed, override, try,
                case, float, params, typeof,
                catch, for, private, uint,
                char, foreach, protected, ulong,
                checked, goto, public, unchecked,
                class, if, readonly, unsafe,
                const, implicit, ref, ushort,
                continue, in, return, using,
                decimal, int, sbyte, virtual,
                default, interface, sealed, volatile,
                delegate, internal, short, void,
                do, is, sizeof, while,
                double, lock, stackalloc,
                else, long, static,
                enum, namespace, string, GeneticAlgorithmHarmonizer, var},
                %list your attributes here

using System;
using Harmonizer;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ScoreManagement;

namespace TestingLibrary
    public class ScoreManagementUnitTests
        private const KeySignature KeySignature = ScoreManagement.KeySignature.CMajor;
        private const TimeSignature TimeSignature =     ScoreManagement.TimeSignature.FourFour;

        public void AddConstructorParameters_AddingKeySignature_ReturnsTrue()
            var score = new Score(KeySignature);

             Assert.IsTrue(score.KeySignature == KeySignature);


Best Answer

The listings package has an internal macro called \lst@InstallKeywords for exactly that purpose: defining a custom class of keywords. In your case, invoking

\lst@InstallKeywords k{attributes}{attributestyle}\slshape{attributestyle}{}ld

creates four keys: attributes, moreattributes, deleteattributes, and attributestyle (which is set to \slshape by default). All four keys have almost the same usage as their keywords equivalents; the only difference is that they do not accept any optional argument, which means that they only allow for one class of "attribute" keywords.

However, if needed, you can define a whole family of "attribute" keywords (within which you can have several "attribute" keyword classes) with another internal macro called \lst@InstallFamily; the latter has exactly the same syntax as \lst@InstallKeywords. See the manual for more details.

enter image description here

\usepackage[driver=pdftex, margin=2.54cm]{geometry}

\lst@InstallKeywords k{attributes}{attributestyle}\slshape{attributestyle}{}ld


morekeywords={  abstract, event, new, struct,
                as, explicit, null, switch,
                base, extern, object, this,
                bool, false, operator, throw,
                break, finally, out, true,
                byte, fixed, override, try,
                case, float, params, typeof,
                catch, for, private, uint,
                char, foreach, protected, ulong,
                checked, goto, public, unchecked,
                class, if, readonly, unsafe,
                const, implicit, ref, ushort,
                continue, in, return, using,
                decimal, int, sbyte, virtual,
                default, interface, sealed, volatile,
                delegate, internal, short, void,
                do, is, sizeof, while,
                double, lock, stackalloc,
                else, long, static,
                enum, namespace, string, GeneticAlgorithmHarmonizer, var},
moreattributes={Assert, Test}, % etc...
attributestyle = \bfseries\color{RubineRed}, % (for instance)
%deleteattributes={Assert}, % just a test


using System;
using Harmonizer;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ScoreManagement;

namespace TestingLibrary
    public class ScoreManagementUnitTests
        private const KeySignature KeySignature = ScoreManagement.KeySignature.CMajor;
        private const TimeSignature TimeSignature =     ScoreManagement.TimeSignature.FourFour;

        public void AddConstructorParameters_AddingKeySignature_ReturnsTrue()
            var score = new Score(KeySignature);

             Assert.IsTrue(score.KeySignature == KeySignature);

