[Tex/LaTex] How to decrease the size of single node in mindmap


In tikz's mindmap, I want to change the concept size for individual parents or children (not the entire system). It is simply possible to increase the size of a child node, by introducing minimum size into the concept options.

How to decrease the size of a single concept, as tikz does not support maximum size?

Best Answer

You can decide to scale nodes for example by setting:

\tikzset{every node/.append style={scale=0.6}}

and then locally redefine the scaling just in the node you are interested in.

For example:


\tikzset{level 1 concept/.append style={font=\sf, sibling angle=90,level distance = 25mm}}
\tikzset{level 2 concept/.append style={font=\sf, sibling angle=45,level distance = 15mm}}
\tikzset{level 3 concept/.append style={font=\sf, sibling angle=45,level distance = 15mm}}
\tikzset{every node/.append style={scale=0.6}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap, concept color=blue, font=\sf\bf, text=white]
\node[concept]{Root Concept}[clockwise from=315]
                        child[concept color=orange] {node[concept] (c1){Child 1}                                
                                    child [concept color=orange]  {node [concept](c11){Child 1-1}}
                                    child [concept color=orange] {node [concept](c12){Child 1-2}}
                                    child [concept color=orange] {node [concept](c13){Child 1-3}}                                                   
                        child [concept color=orange] {node [concept](c2){Child 2}
                                    child [concept color=orange] {node [concept,scale=0.4](c21){Child 2-1}}
                                    child [concept color=orange] {node [concept](c22){Child 2-2}}
                                    child [concept color=orange] {node [concept](c22){Child 1-3}}

will give you:

enter image description here

Notice the local redefinition in:

child [concept color=orange] {node [concept,scale=0.4](c21){Child 2-1}}