Math Operators – Declaring an Operator with Automatic Argument Bracketing


I'd like to have an easy way to declare an operator that brackets its argument with a particular delimiter. As an example I'd like to be able to write


to mean the same as


FYI I know how to do


but I thought I once saw a package that provided some command like


sort of a combination of \DeclarePairedDelimiter and \DeclareMathOperator and I think it also defined a starred version of the operator that didn't take any argument and didn't produce the delimiters.

Best Answer

I don't remember of any such package. Your \Pr command maybe obtained by


With this definition, \Pr would behave exactly as if it was defined with \DeclarePairedDelimiter; that is, the *-form would use \left and \right.

If you want to always use \left and \right, you might follow Werner's suggestion, or go the hard way:


(requires amsmath, of course). Note: \renewcommand{\Pr}{...} is necessary, because \Pr is already defined in LaTeX.

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