[Tex/LaTex] How to debug citations for bibtex


I use LaTexila with latexmk and pdflatex and bibtex.

But: Every now and then compiling fails, and obviously due to cites I insert. The following example breaks compilation alltogether, and I have no clue why.


With the following entry in my bib file. The bib entry comes from Zotero.

    address = {Wiesbaden},
    title = {Kultur - Theorien der Gegenwart},
    isbn = {3531167758 9783531167756},
    language = {German},
    publisher = {{VS}, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften},
    author = {Moebius, Stephan},
    year = {2011}

If I comment the citation out, everything works.

Here are the relevant document classes:


Plus the command for the bibliography:


The relevant lines at the error log should be these:

! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.99   {{Moebius}{Stephan}{S.}{}{}} {} {}
                                          \bibAnnoteFile {moebius_2011}
! Emergency stop.
<to be read again> 
l.99   {{Moebius}{Stephan}{S.}{}{}} {} {}
                                          \bibAnnoteFile {moebius_2011}
End of file on the terminal!

Find a full version of the log at this Pastebin link

Best Answer

Your error is that you used German for the language in the bib entry. You have to use a language which babel knows. In your case: german (old spelling) or ngerman (new spelling).

The following MWE compiles for me (please use a similar MWE next time you ask here):

  address   = {Wiesbaden},
  title     = {Kultur -- Theorien der Gegenwart},
  isbn      = {3531167758 9783531167756},
  language  = {ngerman},
  publisher = {{VS}, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften},
  author    = {Moebius, Stephan},
  year      = {2011},

\documentclass[12pt,ngerman]{scrartcl} % paper=a4 Voreinstellung
\usepackage{babel}                     % load before jurabib!


Here is a citation~\cite{moebius_2011}. 
Here is citep~\citep{moebius_2011}.


The hint for finding this error comes from your posted error message, see the part: \l@German. The German comes from the entry for language in your bib file. \l@German is not defined, but \l@german or \l@ngerman are defined as a number. That's the reason for the error message you got: ! Missing number, treated as zero.

As I knew is jurabib not longer maintained so you should think to change to biblatex and biber (already mentioned in the comment of @Timothée Poisot).

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