[Tex/LaTex] How to customize the standard report template


I am tired of writing company reports using MS Word, so I am looking for a way to define a custom template that follows the company branding. Basically what I would need to define is the following:

  • Enforce font-type and font-size
  • Custom color for normal text (some sort of blue) and custom color for the section title, sub-title and sub-sub-title (each have different colors)
  • Standardized title page with watermark, document title, author and date
  • Standardized last page with watermark, and list of office addresses in a tabular way

Could any one help me?

Best Answer

Depending on which font you need you might want to consider using xelatex and the fontspec package to set the document font.

The textcolor can be set using color/xcolor packages.

Section titles can be customised using titletoc or sectsty or choose a flexible documentclass like memoir that has customisation tools build-in.

For inspiration on how to change the titlepage see http://www.ctan.org/pkg/titlepages.

Watermarks can be added with package atbegshi http://www.ctan.org/pkg/atbegshi.