[Tex/LaTex] How to customize a brief table of contents generated from tocloft and shorttoc into one page

shorttocspacingtable of contentstocloft

I am writing a book with over 20 chapters using LaTex. I generated the detailed Table of Contents with the package tocloft, and a brief TOC with shorttoc. Right now, the brief TOC has two pages but I really like it to be one page long. Commands from tocloft can only control some of the features in the brief TOC. I have my sample code attached at the end. Specifically, my questions are as follows. I greatly appreciate any help you have. — Edwin

Question 1: How can I adjust the line spaces in the brief TOC only so it can be one page long?

Question 2: How can I adjust the space before and after the title of "Brief Contents?"

Question 3: How can I remove the entry of "Contents" from the brief TOC only?

—- sample code —————–


% 1. load two packges

% 2. add a line below part title in TOC

% 3. adjust vertical space in TOC
\setlength\cftbeforetoctitleskip{0pt} % change space before TOC title
\setlength\cftaftertoctitleskip{0pt}  % change space after  TOC title
\setlength\cftbeforepartskip{16pt}  % change space before part
\setlength\cftbeforechapskip{8pt}   % change space before chapter
%\setlength\cftbeforesecskip{1pt}   % change space before section
%\setlength\cftparskip{-2pt}        % distance between paragraphs/entry; default 0


% 4. add brief TOC
\clearpage \phantomsection 
\shorttoc{Brief Contents}{0}

% 5. add detailed TOC
\clearpage \phantomsection
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Contents} % add a link for Contents in TOC 

\part{Part 1}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 2}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 3}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 4}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 5}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 6}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 7}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 8}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}


Best Answer

I wouldn't know how to do it using shorttoc, but here's one possibility using the powerful titletoc package:



\setlength\cftbeforetoctitleskip{0pt} % change space before TOC title
\setlength\cftaftertoctitleskip{0pt}  % change space after  TOC title
\setlength\cftbeforepartskip{16pt}  % change space before part
\setlength\cftbeforechapskip{8pt}   % change space before chapter




  \noindent{\Huge\bfseries Brief Contents}\par\bigskip%



\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Contents} % add a link for Contents in TOC 


\part{Part 1}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 2}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 3}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 4}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 5}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 6}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 7}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}

\part{Part 8}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}
\chapter{Test Chapter} \section{Test Section} \section{Test Section}


An image of the resulting ToCs showing the requested features:

enter image description here