[Tex/LaTex] How to create two boxes in the same line


How can I create two boxes in the same line with words in between(as the picture below which I made using MS-Word)? I tried \makebox, \fbox or \minipage and none of them seem to be working, maybe because I am using verbatim environment at the same time. I am trying to make a section illustrating how to type Chinese in LaTeX.

I have tried


or any other possible combination of this three command but the typeset engine always give me errors says there is one extra { at the end of the code, even though it should be the right bracket of \fbox.
The effect I want

Best Answer

For an easy-to-use application, just set these in a tabular:

enter image description here



\begin{tabular}{ | @{\,} l @{\,} | }
  \verb|\documentclass{article}| \\
  \verb|\usepackage[UTF8]{ctex}| \\
\begin{tabular}{ | @{\,} l @{\,} | }
  \verb|\documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart}| \\
  \verb|\begin{document}| \\
  \verb|\end{document}| \\


Another option using fancyvrb to save the verbatim content and use it inside \fbox:

enter image description here





Either \fbox{\strut\BUseVerbatim{optA}} or \fbox{\strut\BUseVerbatim{optB}}.


\struts ensure a consistent baseline with respect to the two verbatims.

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