[Tex/LaTex] How to create this table for multi-line rotated text and thick vertical lines


I want to create the table below and I am not sure how to do it.

I also want the lines that say, "Long line of text really long" to be wrapped, and take up 2 instead of 1 so that the table isn't as long. I want this table to fit in a column of a 2 column paper.

I included an arrow in the picture because I want that first vertical line to be thick also and I don't know how to do it.

I also want the horizontal line below the columns 2-9 to be bold.

Thank you!

enter image description here

Best Answer

One possibility:





\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{|Y!{\vrule width 1pt}Y|Y|Y|Y|Y!{\vrule width 1pt}Y|Y|Y|Y|}
\multicolumn{1}{c!{\vrule width 1pt}}{} & \multicolumn{5}{c!{\vrule width 1pt}}{Some text}  & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Some text} \\
\multicolumn{1}{c!{\vrule width 1pt}}{} & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text}
  & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text} 
  & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text} 
  & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text} 
  & \RotText{Some really long text} \\
\noalign{\hrule height 1pt}
some text & 11 & 44 & 11 & 54 & 34 & 54 & 23 & 11 & 12 \\



enter image description here

A close-up to the table:

enter image description here

Some explanatory comments:

  • You can produce vertical rules of the desired thickness using !{\vrule width 1pt} instead of | (change 1pt to the desired value).

  • You can produce horizontal rules (similar to \hline) of the desired thickness using \noalign{\hrule height 1pt} instead of \hline (change 1pt to the desired value).

  • The \Cline command is similar to \cline, but has a mandatory argument allowing to specify the rule thicknes: \Cline{<length>}{<column1>-<column2>}; for example \Cline{2pt}{2-4} draws a horizontal rule 2pt thick spanning columns 2 to 4.

  • The tabularx package was used to guarantee that the table width equals \columnwidth. A new column type was defined with centered contents; \tabularxcolumn was also redefined to obtain m{...} type columns.

  • The rotated text was produced using a \parbox inside a \rotatebox.

Notice, however, that your table goes against some rules of typography: vertical rules can be avoided and rotated text is not a good practice (thinking on the reader). Perhaps you could try reformulating the layout?

Here's a possibility without vertical rules and with the features provided by booktabs:



\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Some text}  & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Some text} \\
\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text}
  & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text} 
  & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text} 
  & \RotText{Some really long text} & \RotText{Some really long text} 
  & \RotText{Some really long text} \\
some text & 11 & 44 & 11 & 54 & 34 & 54 & 23 & 11 & 12 \\
some text & 11 & 44 & 11 & 54 & 34 & 54 & 23 & 11 & 12 \\


enter image description here