[Tex/LaTex] How to create PDF outline


According to the PDF reference (PDF document, 9.4MB), one can create an outline for the document; a visual table of contents for the viewer application which enables the user to jump to the page for the outline entry. It is my understanding that the LaTeX package creates these outline entries.

I would like to know how it works under the hood, so to speak. I have tried the following code:

\def\subject#1\par{% other stuff...
  \special{pdf: out 1 << /Title (#1) /Dest [ @thispage /FitH @ypos ] >>}}

But this doesn't seem to create anything in the outline. Can you tell what am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

I recommend using the navigator package, which works with LaTeX, ConTeXt and Plain TeX. Outlines are created with


where <options> is fairly self explanatory, <level> is a number representing how deep in the hierarchy the outline is, <name> is an internal name used to refer to the point in the document at which the outline is located (for links, etc.) and <title> is the name of the outline.

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