[Tex/LaTex] How to create Fancy Title Headers


I want to create a Fancy Title Header for an Article, like the one shown below:

enter image description here

Can someone please provide some hint on how to achieve this?

Best Answer

Here's a solution using titleps:


\newcommand\HeaderTitle{Time For Action -- Embedding a picture within text}



enter image description here

The idea is to use a new page style using a \parbox of width equal to \textwidth inside a \colorbox.

Here's the same idea but using now fancyhdr:


\newcommand\HeaderTitle{Time For Action -- Embedding a picture within text}





Now that I reread the question, I am not sure if a header (as in header/footer) was required or if the question is about the tiles for a sectional unit (\section, for example). My two examples above solve the first case; for the second case, here's a solution with titlesec (in both cases the idea for the solution reamains the same):


  {\colorbox{black}  {\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-2\fboxsep\relax}{%


\section*{Time For Action -- Embedding a picture within text}


enter image description here