[Tex/LaTex] How to create complex op-amp diagrams with Circuitikz


I am familiar with LaTeX but semi-new to Circuitikz. I am comfortable creating simple diagrams with nodes and bipolar, however combining them with op amps is difficult for me. I am trying to replicate this schematic: what I want

This is what I have thus far:

what I have

(0, 0) node[op amp] (opamp) {}
(opamp.-) to[R,l_=$R_1$,-o] (-2, 0.35) -- (-3, 0.35) to [V=$v_1$] (-3,-0.5) to (-3,-0.5) node[ground]{}
(opamp.-) to[short,*-] ++(0,0.5) coordinate (leftC)
to[R=$R_2$] (leftC -| opamp.out)
to[short,-*] (opamp.out) to [short,-o] (1.5,0) to (1.5,-0.5) node[ground]{}
(opamp.+) -- (-1,-0.35) to (-1,-0.5) node[ground]{}

The main things I am struggling with which I cannot find resources for are the following:

  1. Reducing (a) label size and (b) specific element size such as resistors
  2. Adding floating arrows, labels, voltages, and circled numbers
  3. Customizing the color of the op amp and labels, and thickness of lines and elements

Thanks in advance for all the help! I really appreciate it!

Best Answer

Just for fun an option creating customized components, in the basic way with scope; using circuitikz support shapes to declare some points (N3);(N2);(N6);(N6-OUT), to draw pasive components, then create a line style using markings to draw reference voltages, because the given by circuitikz looks bad (the minus simbol is shorten than the positive, and the label position is not at the center); for the currents I use the option midway to define a node in the middle of the path,and then using the anchor and the inner seperation to control the text position and finally using a label with style to put the number marks.

RESULT: enter image description here MWE:

\usepackage{amsmath}%To allow \cfrac macro
\usepackage{bm}%Bold math

        %Environment Config
        MyArrow/.style={%Style for the current
            line width=1.5pt,
            shorten >= 5pt,
            shorten <= 1pt
        Vref/.style={%Style for the voltage reference
            postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.5 with {\node{\Large #1};}}},
            postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.15 with {\node{\Large $\bm{+}$};}}},
            postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.85 with {\node{\Large $\bm{-}$};}}}
        Numbered/.style = {% Style for circle marks
                line width=1.5pt,
                inner sep=4pt,
                label distance=15pt
    \def\MyOpamp(#1)#2{%Customized opamp
    %Component Shape
    \draw[fill=cyan!25,line width = 2pt, line join=round] (0,0)++(-1,1.5)
        --++(2.5,-1.5) -- ++(-2.5,-1.5)-- cycle; 
    % Label and component identifier.
    \draw(0,0) node{\sf U-#2}; % IC LABEL
    % Draw the pins
    % Some that you have to learn about label nodes, draw lines, and name coordinates in Tikz
    \draw[line width = 1.5pt] (-1,1) node [anchor=180]{$-$} -- ++(-0.5,0)  coordinate (#2 IN-); % IN - 
    \draw[line width = 1.5pt] (-1,-1) node [anchor=180]{$+$}  -- ++(-0.5,0) coordinate (#2 IN+); % IN +
    \draw[line width = 1.5pt] (1.5,0)  -- ++(0.5,0) coordinate (#2 OUT); % OUT  
    \def\MyGround(#1)#2{%customized ground
    %Component Shape
    \draw[line width = 2pt, line cap=round]
    (0,0) coordinate (#2 GND)++(-0.3,0)--++(0.6,0)

    %Put the customzed opamp in position

    %Put some short nodes
    \draw(-7,1) node[ocirc,scale=2,line width=1.5pt](N3){};
    \draw(-3,1) node[circ,scale=2,line width=1.5pt](N2){};
    \draw(3,0) node[circ,scale=2,line width=1.5pt](N6){};
    \draw(5.5,0) node[ocirc,scale=2,line width=1.5pt](N6-OUT){};
    \MyGround(1 GND -| N2){2}
    \MyGround(1 GND -| N6-OUT){3}

    %Draw the Wires and pasive components
    \draw[line width=1.5pt]
    (N3)%From node N3
        to [R,l=\Large$R_1$] (N2)
        --(1 IN-)
        --++(0,2) coordinate (N5)
        -| (N6)
    (1 OUT) 
        -- (N6-OUT)
    (1 IN+)
        -|(2 GND);
    %Voltage references
        -- (1 GND);

    \draw[Vref=$0$ V,color=cyan]
    (1 IN-)
        ++(-0.5,0) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (1 IN+ -| temp)
            label={[Numbered,black]180:\bf 1}

        -- (3 GND) 
        node [
            label={[Numbered,black,label distance=5pt]180:\bf 6}
        ]{$\bm{v_o} = 0-\cfrac{v_1}{R_1}R_2$};

        node [
            label={[Numbered,black,label distance=5pt]180:\bf 2}
        ](C1){$\bm{v_1} = 0$ \bf (Virtual ground)}
    (C1.168) %get a point from center to node box at 168 degrees
        to [out=80, in=-150] (N2);

    %Draw currents
        -- ++(1.5,0)
        node [
            inner sep=10pt,
            label={[Numbered,black,label distance=0pt]180:\bf 3}
        ]{$\bm{i_1} = \cfrac{v_1}{R_1}$};

        -- ++(1.2,0)
        node [
            inner sep=10pt,
            label={[Numbered,black,label distance=0pt]12:\bf 4}
    (N5)++(0.3,0.3) %node gap
        -- ++(2,0) % Arrow longitude
        node [
            inner sep=10pt,
            label={[Numbered,black,label distance=0pt]180:\bf 5}
        ]{$\bm{i_2} = \bm{i_1} =\cfrac{\bm{v_1}}{R_1}$};
    (C1 -| 3 GND)
        node [
            inner sep=10pt,
        ]{$\bm{v_o} = -\cfrac{R_2}{R_1}v_i$};


PSD: This code is derived from How can i rotate circuitkz figure vertical?, 555 timer schematic, for label styles drawing circles and squares with TikZ

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