Tables – How to Create a Comprehensive Table of Signs in LaTeX


I'm pretty new to TeX and LaTeX and to learn I'm trying to copy my handwritten notes from my notebook to a LaTeX document.
I feel like I'm starting to understand how LaTeX works, but I'm certainly not that good at using it.

Basically what I'm trying to achieve is the following table

enter image description here

It is a very basic table of signs, where on the top we have two numbers (-3 and 2) corresponding to the vertical line that divides the cells.
Additionally I would like to add the points as shown in the picture, to show the zeroes.

What I've tried / found so far:

  • Creating a table (with \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c} ... \end{tabular}) doesn't seems to work, I cannot get the numbers to be aligned to the vertical line as I want.
  • This question may be related to mine, but the solution provided is too difficult and far different from what I'm trying to achieve.
  • This one is even more complicated, and adds to much things that for my case are not useful.

Thanks everyone in advance, I hope to enhance my skills with LaTeX / TeX in the upcoming months.

Best Answer

Not identical to your table, but still quite near.


% tkz-tab hardcodes $0$ for the zeros
% we want solid lines
\tikzset{t style/.style={style=solid}}


  { /.8, $3(x-2)^2$ /.8, $x+3$ /.8, $p(x)$ /.8}
  {,$-3$,$2$,} % four main references
\tkzTabLine {,+,t,+,z,+,} % seven denotations
\tkzTabLine {,-,z,+,t,+,}
\tkzTabLine {,-,z,+,z,+,}


enter image description here