[Tex/LaTex] How to create a list of figures

table of contents

My problem is not exactly creating the list, but I create it according to the norms of my country. The list should look like this

Figure 1 – Caption (white space or dotted) 6

It should start with the word figure followed by its numbering, then a dash, then its caption and in the right corner of the page the number of the page where it appears.

There is a class called abntex2 that does this, but I could not make it work using the book class. Some commands contained in the abntex2 class that are related to the list of figures are


Add un minimal code (need any figure called 1)



\pdfbookmark[0]{\listfigurename}{lof}%need \usepackage{hyperref}



Best Answer

Here is a way. I supposed you won't have more than 99 figures (one has to compute the width of the label in the list of figures). I also added the emptypage package, to have no header/footer on empty pages.

Also, as mentioned by @ChristianHupfer, the hand-made \pdfbookmark[0]{…} can be replaced with loading package tocbibind with option [notoc] so that the table of contents does not refer to itself.


\setlength{\cftfignumwidth}{\widthof{\cftfigname 00~\textendash~}}




\chapter{Some Chapter}



enter image description here