[Tex/LaTex] How to correctly position biblatex \autocite


I'm using biblatex 1.2a and \autocite because I don't know if the final format of the book will require inline or superscript citations.

Seems the correct usage of \autocite is preceding it by a space like:

my text~\autocite{Einstein1905}

This way both autocite=inline and autocite=superscript position correctly the citation (no experiment done yet with the other autocite formats). But I'm tired to enter all these small ~.

My question:

Is this the correct way to use \autocite? Or is this a case to support an enhancement request for biblatex (to automatically generate the space for inline)?

Best Answer

According to the example documents shipped with biblatex, the "correct" usage (or at least the one envisioned by the package author) is

Some text \autocite{key}.

(See especially document 30-style-numeric.)

I agree it is arguable that in-text-citations should be prepended by a non-breakable space for numeric styles not using superscripts. (However, non-breakable spaces would often produce bad line breaks for inline author-year-citations.)