[Tex/LaTex] How to convert pt/in/cm/mm to em/ex as they are defined at a given point in the document


I am using various macros that I have fine-tuned with units like pt and cm. I use those macros normally in certain places (say, in main body text or in footnote text). To properly generalize those macros, I would like to replace the absolute units by relative ones.

Say I have a macro \newcommand*{\aalso}{\textsl{and also}\hspace{1.1pt}}. Say I normally use that macro in footnotes. But now I realize that I made a mistake and would like to change the length 1.1pt to something of the form ...em so that I can use the macro elsewhere. How do I get the right number? I assume that the right way is to define some macro like \emConverter{1.1pt} that, if issued in a footnote context, gives me the length of 1.1pt in a footnote context converted to a relative length in em. It doesn't need to be a LaTeX-parsable value; it's okay if this is just printed out directly into the document, for me to then manually write the new em-value into the source code.

Some relevant questions:

Best Answer

    % #1 = em or ex (or any other unit)
    % #2 = dimen to convert
  \texttt{#2~=~\fp_to_decimal:n { (#2)/(1#1) }#1}






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A variant for also showing a given length (explicit or implicit) in a different unit of measure (default mm); I also added rounding to five digits

    % #1 = em or ex (or any other unit)
    % #2 = dimen to convert
  \texttt{#2~=~\fp_to_decimal:n { round ( (#2)/(1#1), 5 ) }#1}
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\thelength}{ O{mm} m }
  \fp_to_decimal:n { round ( #2/1#1, 5 ) } #1








enter image description here

An example application; we want to modify the output of layout so that it uses millimeters. We need only \thelength:


\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\thelength}{ O{mm} m }
  \fp_to_decimal:n { round ( (#2)/(1#1), 5 ) } #1

% redefine the output macro
\renewcommand*{\lay@value}[2]{\thelength{\csname #2\endcsname}}


I only show the relevant part of the output, with the lengths

enter image description here

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