[Tex/LaTex] How to convert external graphics automatically to black&white


For the last ten week me and 9 other students have worked on a report. And the final version of the report needs to be printed in black&white (so no color). The easiest method is use the grey setting of the printer. However, many picture in the report are now unclear. Therefore, I would like to ask you guys the following question: "Is there an option in latex which automatically prints the pdf in black&white?"

This is the following setup I use for latex


\usepackage[monochrome]{color} % if I use this I get an error: option clash for package color.

and if I put in behind the documentclass like

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,monochrome]{scrbook} % it still prints the pdf in color.

I hope one of you guys can help with this.

Best Answer

I guess that one of the other packages loads color with options, but I don’t know which …

Note that it’s recommended to use the newer xcolor instead of pdfcolor


pdfpages causes the error.

Update 2

Load (x)color before pdfpages:


Test \color{green} Green