How to Construct a Confusion Matrix in LaTeX


A confusion matrix looks like:

enter image description here

Is there an easy way to do the same using LaTeX?

Otherwise I could just create a diagram with any software.

Best Answer

Here's a solution without TikZ:


    \vbox to 1.7cm{\vfil
      \hbox to 1.7cm{\hfil\parbox{1.4cm}{#1\\#2}\hfil}


\begin{tabular}{c >{\bfseries}r @{\hspace{0.7em}}c @{\hspace{0.4em}}c @{\hspace{0.7em}}l}
  \multirow{10}{*}{\parbox{1.1cm}{\bfseries\raggedleft actual\\ value}} & 
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Prediction outcome} & \\
  & & \bfseries p & \bfseries n & \bfseries total \\
  & p$'$ & \MyBox{True}{Positive} & \MyBox{False}{Negative} & P$'$ \\[2.4em]
  & n$'$ & \MyBox{False}{Positive} & \MyBox{True}{Negative} & N$'$ \\
  & total & P & N &


In a comment it has been requested to rotate one of the labels; this can be easily done using \rotatebox from graphicx:


    \vbox to 1.7cm{\vfil
      \hbox to 1.7cm{\hfil\parbox{1.4cm}{#1\\#2}\hfil}


\begin{tabular}{c >{\bfseries}r @{\hspace{0.7em}}c @{\hspace{0.4em}}c @{\hspace{0.7em}}l}
  \multirow{10}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\parbox{1.1cm}{\bfseries\centering actual\\ value}}} & 
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Prediction outcome} & \\
  & & \bfseries p & \bfseries n & \bfseries total \\
  & p$'$ & \MyBox{True}{Positive} & \MyBox{False}{Negative} & P$'$ \\[2.4em]
  & n$'$ & \MyBox{False}{Positive} & \MyBox{True}{Negative} & N$'$ \\
  & total & P & N &


enter image description here

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