[Tex/LaTex] How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ


I have very limited LaTeX knowledge. I am trying to plot the following figure using "tikz" and I appreciate if anyone can help me to finish plotting my figure. I did the following so far:



\draw (0,0) arc (0:180:6);
\draw   (-12,0)  - -(0,0);
\draw (-8,0) arc (0:180:2);
\draw (0,0) arc (0:180:4);
\draw (-6,-0.1) - - (-6,0.1);



There is a BIG semi-circle and two inner SMALL semi-circles. I want to label the right endpoint of the BIG semi-circle by "A" and the left endpoint of the BIG semi-circle by "B". I want to label the center of the BIG semi-circle by "O", and I want to label the point where the two SMALL semicircles meet by "P". I also want to shade the area inside the BIG semi-circle and outside the two SMALL semi-circles. I also want to mention on the figure that the radius of the big circle is: 6. and the distance between the point "O" and the point "P" is "x"

Any help is much appreciated

Best Answer

You can also draw that path at one go so you don't need to fill white to restrict the fill if you have something else underneath it. And while you are at it you can also place the labels and coordinates too.

\filldraw[fill=blue] (0,0) 
               coordinate[label=-90:$B$] (B)
               arc (180:0:3cm) 
               coordinate[label=-90:$A$] (A)
               arc (0:180:2cm)
               coordinate[label=-90:$P$] (P)
               arc (0:180:1cm);
\draw (B)--(A) coordinate[midway,label=-90:$O$] (O);
\draw[decoration={brace,raise=5mm},decorate] (A) -- (O) 
                   node [midway,yshift=-6mm,below] (R) {$6$};
\draw[decoration={brace,raise=5mm},decorate] (O) -- (P)
                   node [midway,yshift=-6mm,below] (r) {$x$};

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