[Tex/LaTex] How to color the characters in LaTeX2e logo


I want to get the LaTeX2e logo but with each character having a different color. I know that \LaTeXe produces the logo, but how do I give a color to each character?

Best Answer

You can use the \textcolor command from the xcolor package to give a color to each character of the logo. Running

texdef -t latex LaTeXe

in a terminal, you can get the implememtation of the LaTeX2e logo:

\mbox {\m@th
  \if b\expandafter \@car \f@series \@nil \boldmath \fi
  \LaTeX \kern .15em2$_{\textstyle \varepsilon }$}

Since the \LaTeXe command is built upon the \LaTeX command which, in its turn, uses the \TeX command (you can use texdef to see their definition), I defined three commands \ClrTeX, \ClrLaTeX, and \ClrLaTeXe to assign a color to each character of the three logos:



  {\sbox\z@ T%
     \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts

    \if b\expandafter\@car\f@series\@nil\boldmath\fi






enter image description here