[Tex/LaTex] How to cite laws or regulations in biblatex


I am using JabRef to manage my bibliography. I have some laws that I need to cite, but I am unsure how to do this.

In this particular case, I am citing a regulation, which is referenced by the law. The regulation is of a technical nature (specifically it deals with minimum requirements for grid-interconnection of wind energy systems), and I just need to know which specific biblatex styles would be appropriate here.

Here's what I have considered:

  • @article doesn't seem appropriate, because author is a required field, and regulations don't have authors.
  • @misc seemed like the next obvious choice, but it has no field for journal title, at least in JabRef. This regulation is published in a legal gazette, so a serial title would be useful here.
  • @other doesn't include a title field (again, in JabRef at least)
  • @standard also seems like it might be appropriate, but here institution is a required field, and one generally doesn't write "the government"

The regulation being cited is German, in case that bit of information is useful. I know about the biblatex-juradiss package, but I am not writing a legal paper, here, so it's not appropriate. I just need a little guidance.

EDIT: Here is an example which may help. I got it from "Bibliographieren — … aber wie?" by Jan Wohlgemuth.

[27] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vom 23. Mai 1949. (BGBl. S.1) BGBl. III, 100-1. In der Fassung vom 28.6.1993, zuletzt geändert durch das 39.
Gesetz zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes (BGBl. I 1002).

The thing is, I don't want to add a whole additional biblatex package just for this one citation, and I'm thinking there has to be a standard approach using the existing citation styles.

Best Answer

In addition to the biblatex package you mention, you may also want to check out the biblatex-jura style.

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