[Tex/LaTex] How to cite classical works with biblatex


What I'd like to do is to cite classical works. For example, to cite Aristotle's Metaphyisic according to the Bekker's cannonical edition. How could I do this using biblatex with author-year style?

Best Answer

You can use the biblatex-package called archaeologie which differentiates between ancient and modern authors. See version 2.0 with the complete documentation in English.

  author =        {Aristotle},
  title = {Metaphysics}, 
  origdate =     {1924},
  date =         {1997},
  origlanguage = {greek},
  editor =       {Ross, W. D.},
  origpublisher = {Oxford University Press},
  publisher =    {Sandpiper Books},
  origlocation =     {Oxford},
  location = {Newton Abbot},
  shorthand = {Aristot. Met.},
  options = {ancient},  
\usepackage[                    %% use  for bibliography
style = archaeologie,

The advantage is that you can use the normal cite-commands:


Without any further options of archaeologie in the preamble the bibliography looks like this:


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