[Tex/LaTex] How to check if a document is “oneside” or “twoside”


In my document I've a side capture environment as well as a full width environment for figures and tables. In the past I all my documents were printed on the back and front of a page, thus I had a clause in the environment that checked if a page is odd or even.

Now I want to only print on one side of the page and thus the environment should check for that. How can I accomplish this? (I'm using scrbook).

    \documentclass[a4paper, oneside]{scrbook}    
                \edef\side{\ifoddpage l\else r\fi}% <<<--- Here should another if statement check the *side-mode


I ended up doing this:

        \newcommand{\side}{\ifoddpage l\else r\fi} %% twoside=true
        \newcommand{\side}{l} %% twoside=false


Best Answer

The test is provided by the LaTeX kernel with

\newif \if@twoside     \@twosidefalse

So you can use this test. Please note that the test string uses @ so you need \makeatletter / \makeatother (See: What do \makeatletter and \makeatother do?)


There is a great answer of David explaining the how \newif command works

As mention by egreg the package \typearea which is loaded by every KOMA-Class by default provides the option twoside=semi. In this case the condition above should be extended by \if@semitwoside.

However based on your example you can redefine your environment as follows:

   %%% put the stuff for true here (twoside=true)
   \newcommand\side{stuff for twoside}
   %%% put the stuff for false here (twoside=false)
   \newcommand\side{stuff for onside}
