[Tex/LaTex] How to change the shading of beamer’s \tableofcontents[currentsection]

beamershadingtable of contents

I like to use \tableofcontents[currentsection] as an orientation at the start of a new section. But in my experience (depending on the projector), the default shading of the other sections can be to light. How can I change it?




\section{First Section}

A frame of the first section

\section{Second Section}

\frametitle{The shaded section is too light!}


Best Answer

You can set the section in toc shaded template; one way to do so, is to use the second optional argument (default value = 20) to a higher value (a value of 100 gives no shading at all and the entry will look like the no-shaded ones; a value of zero gives a completely transparent entry):


\setbeamertemplate{section in toc shaded}[default][50]


\section{First Section}

A frame of the first section

\section{Second Section}

\frametitle{The shaded section is not too light anymore!}


enter image description here

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