[Tex/LaTex] How to change the font for biblatex acronyms


I have a bibliography in biblatex and I want to use different fonts than Computer Modern, namely Lato & Bitstream Charter. Here is a minimal example:


\usepackage[defaultsans, scale=0.9]{lato}

  author = {Shannon, C. E.},
  title = {A mathematical theory of communication},
  journal = {SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev.},
  issue_date = {January 2001},
  volume = {5},
  number = {1},
  month = jan,
  year = {2001},
  issn = {1559-1662},
  pages = {3--55},
  numpages = {53},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/584091.584093},
  doi = {10.1145/584091.584093},
  acmid = {584093},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},





This results in the following output after running biber and pdflatex:


The red arrows indicate my problem: Because Bitstream Charter has no actual small caps, LaTeX simply shrinks the characters for acronyms like ISSN and I don't like how this looks. So my question is: How can I change the font such that acronyms are simply displayed regularly?

Best Answer

You need to change the macro \mkbibacro. Its original definition is


so a somewhat brute-force approach (replacing small caps with "typeset as-is" (here: capitals) for all fonts) would be


A better way is to trick biblatex into thinking that Mathdesign/Bitstream Charter doesn't feature small caps. Add the following to your preamble:


enter image description here

Note: The "font shorthand" mdbch for Mathdesign/Bitstream Charter can be detected by adding \show\rmdefault to the OP's example.