[Tex/LaTex] How to change the color of average in boxplot n pgfplots


I have a simple graph using boxplot and I'm trying to customize the look. I'm part way there, but am having trouble with the average.
What I have so farwhere I have changed the color of the box and the median, but the average is kind of lost. I changed the box using:

   \draw[/pgfplots/boxplot/every box/.try,color=.!50!white]
     (boxplot box cs:\pgfplotsboxplotvalue{lower quartile},0)
     (boxplot box cs:\pgfplotsboxplotvalue{upper quartile},1)

as per the manual (with the addition of the ",color=.!50!white") and the median similarly, but when I try the same thing with average,

    \draw[/pgfplots/boxplot/every average/.try,fill=red]

nothing changes. I tried many other things, including adding:

\addplot+[boxplot prepared={ % IE11 dotget
  draw position=1,
  every average/.style={fill=red,mark={diamond*}},
  average=100.2, lower whisker=98.1, lower quartile=98.4, median=100.5, upper quartile=101.2, upper whisker=101.5}]
 coordinates { };

but still no joy.

Thanks for any help! ../Dave

Best Answer

Simply add a \color command before the \draw command to achieve your desired result.

(Have a look at the code below which gives an example by using code from the PGFPlots manual and adding the color line.)

% used PGFPlots v1.15
        % example copied from the manual
                \color{.!50!green}          % <-- added
            \draw[/pgfplots/boxplot/every average/.try]
                % do NOT use \draw[mark=*] plot coordinates because
                % boxplots uses the same plot handler to draw its
                % outliers.
        \addplot+ [
            boxplot prepared={
                lower whisker=98.1,
                lower quartile=98.4,
                upper quartile=101.2,
                upper whisker=101.5,
        ] coordinates { };

image showing the result of above code

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