[Tex/LaTex] How to change the chaptermark of bibliography


In previously asked questions about changing the chaptermark in a bibliography, I couldn't get a solution for my problem. That is why I'm asking a new question.

I'm writing my thesis. The references span across multiple pages. On the top of the second (and further) page there is a header (that appears on every page where a new chapter does not begin). The header informs a reader about the current chapter he/she is reading. But in the references it says "Algemene conclusies", which is my last chapter. I would like this not to appear in the references and say "Bibliografie" instead.

Here is my code:

    \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, twoside, openright]{report}


\usepackage{setspace} \onehalfspacing
\headheight = 14pt


\setlength{\parskip}{2.3ex plus 0.3ex minus 0.3ex}

\def\LigneVerticale{\vrule height 2cm depth 2cm\hspace{0.1cm}\relax}
\rlap{\vrule height 0.8cm width 1cm depth 0.2cm}%
\rlap{\hbox to 1cm{\hss\mbox{\white #1}\hss}}%
\vrule height 0pt width 1cm depth 0pt}
}\par\vskip 2cm}
}\par\vskip 2cm}

This is the code in my document:

\chapter{Algemene conclusies}


And this is the code in the file bibliography:


Best Answer

The only thing you need, is to use \markboth{}{Bibliografie} for this. But you have to put it in the right place, and the right order of commands is:


Or if you really insist, then you place the three last lines in your file Bibliografie.tex in that order, and everything should work. If it doesn't, then don't use \input.

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