[Tex/LaTex] How to change \pgfplotstableset for different parts of a document


In the documentation for the pgfplotstable package you can find the following in the introduction:

Key-value pairs can be set in two ways:

  1. As default settings for the complete document (or maybe a part of the document), using
    \pgfplotstableset{⟨options⟩}. For example, the document’s preamble may contain \pgfplotstableset{fixed zerofill,precision=3}
    to configure a precision of 3 digits after the period, including zeros to get exactly 3 digits for all fixed point numbers.

The or maybe a part of the document is what I am interested in.

I have different \pgfplotstableset{⟨options⟩} defined via \newcommand and intended to switch between them as needed (more or less for each table). Sadly I have not really been able to get this to work.

  • Is this possible at all?
  • Could you point me to an example document where it has been done?


I will try to explain a bit more in detail what my problem is.

In the preamble I have created multiple new commands such as:

    reset styles,
    disable rowcol styles=false,
    col sep=&,
%   precision=2,
%   row sep=\\,
    columns={0, 5, 8},
    columns/0/.style={reset styles,string type,column type={L{.5\linewidth}}, column name={Location}},
    columns/5/.style={reset styles,string type,column type={C{.1\linewidth}}, column name={0d}},
    columns/8/.style={reset styles,string type,column type={C{.1\linewidth}}, column name={1d}},
begin table=\begin{longtable},
    every first row/.append style={ %
            before row={\midrule
            \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
end table=\end{longtable},


\newcommand{\IDATableTypeT}{\pgfplotstableset{  %Type T
    reset styles,
    disable rowcol styles=true,
    create on use/thiws/.style={create col/expr={(\thisrow{thiws1}+\thisrow{thiws2}+\thisrow{thiws3}+\thisrow{thiws4})/4}},
    create on use/thiw/.style={create col/expr={(\thisrow{thiw1}+\thisrow{thiw2}+\thisrow{thiw3}+\thisrow{thiw4})/4}},
columns={time, thwaterin, thwaterout, thf, thp, thc, thiws, thiw, tha, thmr, thop},
columns/time/.style={column name={Step}, fixed},
columns/thwaterin/.style={column name={$\tHWaterIn$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thwaterout/.style={column name={$\tHWaterOut$},  fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thf/.style={column name={$\tHF$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thp/.style={column name={$\tHP$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thc/.style={column name={$\tHC$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thiws/.style={column name={$\tHIws$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thiw/.style={column name={$\tHIw$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/tHA/.style={column name={$\tHA$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thmr/.style={column name={$\tHMr$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
columns/thop/.style={column name={$\tHOp$}, fixed zerofill, precision=1, fixed},
%   row sep=\\,
begin table=\begin{longtable},
every first row/.append style={ %
            before row={\midrule
            \multicolumn{10}{c}{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
end table=\end{longtable},

In the main document I now have first:

\pgfplotstabletypeset[every head row/.append style={before row={%
    \caption{Case: bla} %
    \label{tab:test}\\ %
] {\CCData/results/1318AaBb-1day.txt}

and the later:

\IDATableTypeT % defined in pgfplots.tex
\pgfplotstabletypeset[every head row/.append style={before row={%
    \caption{jaja} %
    \label{tab:11855-4_HighWallHeatCond_TypeT}\\ %
] {\IDAData/11855-4_HighWallHeatCond.prn}

Until now I have gotten different errors but the one that I do not understand is this one:

PGFPlots: reading {Data/IDA/11855-4_HighWallHeatCond.prn}

./SimplyTabs/Appendix/ValidationIDA.tex:14: Package pgfplots Error: Sorry, 
could not retrieve column 'time' from table 'Data/IDA/11855-4_HighWallHeatCond.prn'.
Please check spelling (or introduce name aliases)..

However the file reads:

time         order        qhc          qhcirc       qhcontot     qhf          qhiws1       qhiws2       qhiws3       qhiws4       qhradtot     tha          thc          thf          thiw1        thiw2        thiw3        thiw4        thiws1       thiws2       thiws3       thiws4       thmr         thmrandt_1   thmrandt_2   thop         thp          thwaterin    thwaterout
4679.000000       1.0000       209.93      -880.68       30.000       32.953      -20.663      -17.220      -20.663      -17.220       10.000       23.330       21.846       22.378       22.902       22.902       22.902       22.902       22.900       22.900       22.900       22.900       22.481       23.330      -7.1583       22.763       21.232       20.000       20.707    
4680.000000       1.0000       125.03      -799.28       30.000       5.0923      -20.864      -17.386      -20.864      -17.386       10.000       22.306       21.584       22.096       22.397       22.397       22.397       22.397       22.395       22.395       22.395       22.395       22.105       22.306      -7.1583       22.202       21.110       20.000       20.637    

Best Answer

If you don't find a reset style key, I recommend you define the stles you want to apply to all tables, for instance:


and prepare different styles for the various things you want to control:

\pgfplotstableset{My Style1/.append style={precision=3}}
\pgfplotstableset{My Style2/.append style={precision=1}}

enter image description here




%% Setting for ENTIRE document

%% Settings that you selectively want to control
\pgfplotstableset{My Style1/.append style={precision=3}}
\pgfplotstableset{My Style2/.append style={precision=1}}

%\usepackage{filecontents}% <--- Commented out so as to now overwrite sample.csv
    Column A, Column B, Column C
       99, 98, 96
       88, 87, 84

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{sample.csv}\MySampleData


\pgfplotstabletypeset[My Style1]\MySampleData
\pgfplotstabletypeset[My Style2]\MySampleData

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