[Tex/LaTex] How to change page numbering and section numbering


I am pretty new to LaTeX. Right now I have this:

\usepackage[a4paper,left=2.5cm,right=2.5cm,top=2.5cm,bottom= 3.2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}   %{graphicx} in order to load pictures.
\usepackage[english,german,ngerman]{babel}  %{babel} enables to choose a language.
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %[utf8]{inputenc} enables UTF8-characters not only ASCII.
\usepackage{ae}     %Uses "Latin Modern" instead of "Computer Modern".
\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}%Automatically turns all internal references into "hyperlinks". "pdfborder={0 0 0}" disables red border around hyperrefs.







What I am trying to achieve with


is a page numbering scheme like this:

I. Abstract…..I

  1. Introduction..1

  2. MyStuff…….2

Plus I want the section I included into chapters to be numbered in arabic too.

The current output is different though. All chapters, sections and pages are still numbered in arabic.

Best Answer

Here's the scheme I propose; the kantlipsum package is just to produce mock text.

\usepackage[a4paper,left=2.5cm,right=2.5cm,top=2.5cm,bottom= 3.2cm]{geometry}




\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

\usepackage{kantlipsum}% for mock text















I use the fact that chapters in the front matter are not numbered and use a trick for getting two chapters in the same page, which assumes that your two abstracts fit.

However my opinion is that all pages should have a number, even if it doesn't appear. So the abstracts will be on page, say vii (title page, back of title page, dedication, back of dedication, table of contents in two pages).

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