[Tex/LaTex] How to change name separator in bibtex-generated bibliography to a different language


When I run BibTeX, it generates in entries with several authors something like this:
Winfried Just and Martin Weese.
If you write a text in a different language, I suppose it is more customary to translate and to your language.

In my case I use cslatex and I have to change the entries manually in the bbl-file to
Winfried Just a Martin Weese.
if I want a instead of and.

  • Is there a way to do this automatically, without manual modification of the bbl-file?

Best Answer

The "and" is usually coded explicitly in the .bst bibliographic style file that you are using. As far as I know (but perhaps someone knows if biblatex can do that), there is no other option (unless there is something specific to cslatex) to change it than going into the .bst file, finding the macro which puts the "and" string on the stack, and replacing manually "and" with whatever you like. Then you have a new bibliographic style that you can call in the usual way in your .tex file (\bibliographystyle{myfile}).

By the way, there are other items that you may want to localize in the same manner ("editors", "chapter", "volume", "pages",...)

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