[Tex/LaTex] How to change font size mid document


I want to create a TeX document for which the first (summary) page is \documentclass[10pt]{article}, but for which the rest of the document is \documentclass[12pt]{article}. Is there an easy way to do this?

Best Answer

You can change font size using \fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont (the first number is the pt size of the font, the second number the space in pts between lines: this becomes the value of \baselineskip), but in general I think it's better to try using things like \tiny, \small, \scriptsize, \normalsize, \footnotesize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge and \Huge (and the corresponding environments (e.g., \begin{small} ... \end{small}). I think \footnotesize would give you a 10pt font in a document with 12pt set in its document class options.

And if the summary page is done using a special environment, like \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract} likely what you want can be done a completely different way, such as by using the abstract package. (It's hard to give concrete advice without knowing more about the details of the summary page, however.)