[Tex/LaTex] How to center text vertically in a table cell

multirowtablesvertical alignment

I'm attempting my first Latex document. I'm working on a header for some documents at work. Being slightly overwhelmed by the complexity in general of tables, this vertical alignment issue is making things worse.



    \multirow{6}{3cm}{logo here} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ} \\ \cline{2-3} 
                                 & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                                 & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                                 & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                                 & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                                 & & \\ 


The cell with the alphabet in it appears to align text to the top of the cell. My header was much more complex than this, but I broke it down to this. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

I'm not sure you are doing anything wrong. tabular has some odd asymmetries with its line spacing (some people migrate to booktabs package as a result). But, one can make manual adjustments. Here I do two things:

  1. I use \addstackgap to pad more vertical space above (and below) the text;

  2. I use \\[-3pt] to negatively adjust the space below the entry.

Here is the MWE.



\multirow{6}{3cm}{logo here} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\addstackgap[4pt]{%
  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}} \\[-3pt] \cline{2-3} 
                             & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                             & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                             & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                             & & \\ \cline{2-3}
                             & & \\ 


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