[Tex/LaTex] How to center a table in LaTeX

horizontal alignmenttables

I want to put a centered table below the title, instead i get a right handed alignment.
I tried \begin{center} instead of \begin{table}, i get the same result.



\title{Title:\\ more title}


\textsc{column 1}   & \textsc{column 2}              & \textsc{column 3}& 
\textsc{column 4}        \\ \hline
something here      & something more here            & something here a     & something here           \\
something here      & something here                 & Rsomething more here & something here           \\
something here      & something here /something here & something here n     & something more here      \\
something more here & something more here            & something here       & something more here more \\
something here      & something here                 &                      & something here



Result: right alignment

Best Answer

The table is too large for the available text width, see Christian Hupfer's comment.

A suggestion:

  • X columns of tabularx are similar to p columns, but use the available space automatically without explicit dimension. Only the table gets a width.

  • \midrule of package booktabs for a nicer rule with proper vertical white space around.

  • \RaggedRight of package ragged2e to get a smoother \raggedright by allowing hyphenation.

  • \hangindent=1em\hangafter1\relax for indentation of the follow-up lines in the cells' first paragraph.

  • \slash instead of / for a slash with break point.



\title{Title:\\ more title}


\textsc{column 1}   & \textsc{column 2}              & \textsc{column 3}&
\textsc{column 4}        \\ \midrule
something here      & something more here            & something here a     & something here           \\
something here      & something here                 & Rsomething more here & something here           \\
something here      & something here\slash something here & something here  & something more here      \\
something more here & something more here            & something here       & something more here more \\
something here      & something here                 &                      & something here



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