Macros – How to Avoid Whitespace After a Macro Which Takes Arguments


I have a macro that (simplified) is defined like this:

     %use #1

I'd like to be able to use it like

\mymacro{Arg 1}
Beginning of paragraph

However, my output PDF file has a bit of horizontal space before the B when I do this.

To get rid of it, I must call it like

\mymacro{Arg 1}Beginning of paragraph

which is not ideal.

If I change \mymacro to not take any arguments, the space goes away too—but I need to be able to take arguments.

Best Answer

Use \par\noindent\ignorespaces in the macro's definition.


  use #1%



\mymacro{Arg 1}
Beginning of paragraph: \lipsum[1]


enter image description here

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